Txhim Kho Koj Lub Tshuab Tom Qab Muaj Kev Ruaj Ntseg Loj Tshaj Lij

Tej zaum koj lub computer tau txais hacked los yog saib tsam koj nias ib co malware phem txuas los ntawm qhov yuam kev thiab nws ntws dhau koj cov kev tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv qub. Xijpeem kis tau zoo, tej yam tsis zoo tshwm sim rau koj lub computer thiab koj tuaj qhov kev paub tias koj yuav tsum pib dua ntawm khawb, txhais tau tias koj yuav tsum tau so thiab rov qab koj cov kev khiav hauj lwm, tag nrho koj cov ntawv, thiab koj tus kheej cov ntaub ntawv zoo li.

Thaum tsis muaj leej twg zoo rau kev pib kiag li, nws muaj qee qhov zoo. Nws yuav muab rau koj ib tus boost boost vim koj yuav txhim kho qhov tseeb version ntawm koj qhov system. Koj mam li tso cov hnab looj ntsej muag tawm thiab tshem tawm tag nrho cov cwj pwm ntawm cov ntaub ntawv ib ntus uas tej zaum yuav tau qeeb koj lub cev.

Pib dhau kuj muab sijhawm rau koj rov zoo dua rau koj qhov system, thiab qhov no yog qhov xwm txheej no txhua yam txog. Peb mus dhau txhua qhov ntawm txoj kev so thiab rov qab thiab sim thiab xyuas kom tseeb tias txhua qhov chaw koj ua tau, koj ntxiv kev ntsuas kev ruaj ntseg. Yog li cia li pib tau:

Ua Ntej Koj Pib

Ua ntej koj yuav so thiab rov qab koj lub computer, koj yuav tsum tau ua ob peb yam ua ntej, txwv tsis pub koj tawm ntawm lub hom phiaj ntev dua li qhov koj xav tau. Wb mus rau ob peb yam uas koj yuav tsum ua TAM SIM NO uas yuav pab kom koj tsis txhob muaj qhov yuam kev ntau tom qab ntawm tus txheej txheem.

Sau koj cov Software Disks thiab cov khoom tuav

Ua ntej koj yuav so koj lub zog tsav hauv kev npaj kom pib ua tiav pib-los-kos rov, koj xav kom koj paub tseeb tias koj muaj koj qhov kev khiav haujlwm khiav lag luam uas tuaj nrog koj lub computer. Qee cov computers tsis tuaj nrog cov kab mob, tab sis tuaj nrog tus thaub qab uas yog nyob ntawm ib qho kev faib tawm ntawm koj tus tsav nyuab. Xyuas cov ntaub ntawv uas tau xa nrog koj lub computer kom paub tseeb tias koj paub tias yuav ua li cas thiaj li tau txais kev tshaj tawm los yog tsim ib qho kev nruab disk.

Koj tseem yuav xav tau qhov khoom tseem ceeb rau koj qhov kev khiav hauj lwm. Qee zaum tus yuam sij no nyob rau ntawm daim ntawv lo ntawm koj lub computer los sis nws kuj yuav nyob ntawm daim npav nrog koj cov ntaub ntawv.

Yeej Yuav Ua Li Cas Koj YUAV UA LI CAS THAUM KOJ TXUAS LI THIAB TAU TIAS Tias Koj Muaj Koj Cov Ntaub Ntawv

Koj obviously xav khaws cia tej ntaub ntawv koj tus kheej ua ntej koj so koj tsav. Thaub qab koj cov ntaub ntawv khaws tseg rau cov ntaub ntawv tawm (xws li CD, DVD, lossis Flash drive). Ua ntej yuav siv cov xov xwm no mus rau lwm lub tshuab computer, nco ntsoov tias lub computer cov ntsiab lus tiv thaiv antimalware txhais mus txog hnub thiab qhov kev kuaj tiav tiav hauv xov xwm ua ntej cov ntaub ntawv raug muab luam tawm nyob rau lwm qhov.

Xyuas kom tseeb tias cov xov xwm uas koj siv rau koj cov thaub qab yeej muaj koj tus kheej cov ntaub ntawv tsis pub muaj ntaub ntawv rau nws ua ntej yuav mus ntxiv.

Ua tib zoo so koj Cov Tsav Tsheb

Tom qab koj tau xyuas tias koj thaub qab thiab nyob rau tag nrho koj cov disks thiab cov ntawv tso cai, nws yog lub sij hawm los securely lwv koj tus tsav nyuaj. Rau qee cov kev taw qhia txog txoj haujlwm no, xyuas peb cov tshooj: Los so los sis lwv koj Cov Tsav Tsheb Ua Ntej Ua Ntej (tab sis tsis pom tseeb, hle qhov seem pov tseg). Tsis tas li ntawd xwb, ntawm no yog daim ntawv teev cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntau los ua haujlwm.

Xav Txog Siv Ib Tug Neeg Txhaum Cai Tawm Hauv Cov Khoom Yuav Tsum Tau Tsav Tus Txheej Txheem Tsis Cwj Pwm

Yog hais tias koj yog super paranoid (zoo li kuv) thiab txhawj xeeb tias txawm tias tom qab koj twb wiped koj tsav tias malware tej zaum tseem yuav lurking rau koj tus tsav nyuaj, koj yuav nco ntsoov thauj ib qho Offline Malware Scanner los xyuas txhua yam malware uas tej zaum tseem yuav nkaum qhov chaw ntawm koj tsav. Nws yog tej zaum tsis mus nrhiav tau ib yam tab sis koj yeej tsis muaj peev xwm ceev faj heev, yog li vim li cas ho tsis muab nws ib daim tshev kawg.

Ua Kom Muaj Koj Tus Muaj Tshiab Tshaj Plaws ntawm Koj Kev Ua Haujlwm

Yog tias koj rov qab rau koj qhov kev khiav haujlwm ntawm cov kabmob uas tuaj nrog koj lub computer, nws yog obviously mus coj koj rov qab mus rau ib qho kev ntsuas pib dua li qhov tam sim no muaj. Yog tias ua tau, download tau qhov version tshiab ntawm qhov nruab ntais ntawm koj lub computer qhov chaw tsim tshuaj paus los yog los ntawm OS ua lag luam. Qhov no yuav tsis tsuas txuag koj lub sij hawm chaw thau khoom tom qab, nws tseem yuav muaj peev xwm ua rau lub tsev ntxhua khaub ncaws.

Nruab koj OS ntawm Trusted Media lossis Trusted Source

Yog hais tias koj tau poob koj lub disk nruab, koj yuav raug ntxias mus download tau ib qho ntawm Internet los yog yuav ib qho "pheej yig luam" qhov chaw. Tsis txhob daus kev lag luam hauv kev kaw lus ntawm qhov twg tsuas yog OS Maker lub vas sab xwb. Qee cov "pheej yig luam ntawv" tej zaum yuav raug pirated thiab tej zaum kuj yuav muaj kab mob ua ntej nrog cov malware.

Nrhav ntawv yuav muab cov ntawv luam los sis cov ntawv luam tawm ncaj qha los ntawm OS lub lag luam.

Pab kom ruaj ntseg ntes thaum nruab

Thaum koj pib koj cov txheej txheem khiav lag luam hauv kev khiav hauj lwm, koj yuav zaum tau nug ntau tus neeg cov lus nug thaum lub teeb tsa kev teeb tsa. Qhov kev ntxias yog xaiv tag nrho cov kev tsis zoo, tab sis cov no tej zaum yuav tsis yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws ntawm kev ruaj ntseg thiab kev ceev ntiag tug.

Tshawb xyuas txhua yam ntawm cov kev ruaj ntseg uas koj tau tuaj nrog thiab xav txog qhov xaiv qhov kev ruaj ntseg zoo tshaj plaws. Tej zaum koj kuj xav xaiv qhov Disk Encryption yog tias nws muaj kev xaiv thaum lub sijhawm teeb. Yog xav paub ntxiv txog yuav ua li cas thiaj li encrypt koj tsav thiab vim li cas koj ho xav, xyuas peb cov tshooj: Yuav ua li cas thiaj li Encrypt koj cov ntaub ntawv thiab vim li cas koj yuav tsum

Nruab txhua OS Security Patches

Thaum koj qhov kev khiav hauj lwm uas muaj mob lawm, thawj qhov koj yuav tsum tau ua yog xyuas kom tseeb tias koj download tau cov xov tooj tshiab tam sim no. Feem ntau cov kev khiav hauj lwm muaj ib lub cuab yeej hloov tshiab uas yuav mus rau OS lub chaw ua haujlwm qhov chaw thiab download tau qhov tseeb thaj ua rau thaj, cov tsav tsheb, thiab kev ruaj ntseg tshiab uas muaj.

Cov txheej txheem no yuav siv sij hawm li ob peb teev kom tiav thiab tej zaum yuav tsum khiav ob peb zaug raws li qee qhov thaj ua rau ntawm lwm thaj chaw thiab tsis tuaj yeem ntsia tsis tau muaj cov ntaub ntawv tam sim no. Rov ua qhov txheej txheem kom txog rau thaum koj qhov Kev Ua Hauj Lwm tshiab qhov kev hloov tshiab qhia tias nws yog txhua yam tshiab thiab tsis muaj chaw ntxiv, tsav tsheb, lossis lwm yam tshiab.

Nruab ib lub Antivirus / Antimalware

Thaum koj tau txais koj tus OS loaded thiab patched, koj tom ntej installation yuav tsum yog antivirus / antimalware kua. Nco ntsoov xaiv ib lub npe uas tau txais kev pom zoo los ntawm kev txhim kho lub computer loj. Xaiv tus scanner uas koj tsis tau hnov ​​txog los yog tias koj pom ntawm ib qhov txuas rau hauv lub thawv pop-up yog pheej hmoo vim tias nws yuav yog fake antivirus los yog Scareware , los yog tseem heev, nws yuav yog malware nws tus kheej.

Thaum koj tau ntsaws koj thawj antivirus / antimalware software, xyuas kom tseeb tias koj teem nws tawm mus thiab kho nws tus kheej thiab tseem qhib rau nws lub sij hawm tiv thaiv ntawm lub sijhawm tiag tiag (yog tias muaj).

Nruab ib Lub Tswv Yim Lom Zem Ob

Xwb vim tias koj muaj cov software tiv thaiv nruab tiv thaiv thiab kho tshiab tsis txhais tau hais tias koj muaj kev ruaj ntseg los ntawm tag nrho cov malware. Qee lub sij hawm, malware ua tau thiab yuav ploj koj cov thawj kev tshuaj scanner thiab ua nws txoj kev mus rau koj lub cev tsis muaj koj los yog koj tus antimalware paub txog nws.

Vim li no, tej zaum koj xav xav txog kev txhim kho dab tsi uas yog hu ua Lub Tswv Yim Txhaum Zog Qib Ob. Cov scanners no yog tsim los tsis cuam tshuam nrog koj tus thawj scanner thiab tsa los ua ib kab thib ob ntawm cov kev tiv thaiv kom yog tias ib yam dab tsi yav tas los koj tus thawj scanner, Lub Ob Tswvyim Scanner yuav vam nws.

Qee qhov kev pom zoo thib ob lub tshuab luam tawm muaj xws li. SurfRight HitmanPro thiab Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Rau lwm cov laj thawj vim li cas koj thiaj xav tau Lub Tswv Yim Txhaum Zog Lom Zem, xyuas peb cov tshooj: Vim Li Cas Koj Yuav Tsum Tau Lub Tswv Yim Lawm Seconds

Nrawm Cov Versions Tamsim No Ntawm Koj Li Tas Nrho Thiab Lawv Cov Patches

Thaum koj tau txais koj qhov kev mob antivirus / antimalware saib xyuas, nws yog lub sijhawm rov pib dua tag nrho koj cov ntawv thov. Ntxiv dua thiab, nrog rau kev khiav hauj lwm, koj yuav tsum thauj khoom rau tam sim no version tau tag nrho koj cov apps thiab plug-ins. Yog hais tias ib qho app muaj nws tus kheej pib hloov tshiab feature, nco ntsoov tig nws zoo li.

Xyuas kom koj cov Internet Browsers muaj patched thiab ruaj ntseg zoo li, thiab tias lawv cov nta kev ruaj ntseg tau qhib thiab ua kom haum (pop-up-blockers, ntiag tug nta, thiab lwm yam).

Luam theej duab koj cov ntaub ntawv thaub qab ua ntej koj thauj nws rau hauv koj lub cev

Ua ntej koj thauj koj cov ntaub ntawv ntawm koj tus kheej tawm uas koj tau tsiv mus rau, luam theej nws rau malware ua ntej luam nws rov qab rau koj lub computer tshiab. Koj yuav tsum paub tseeb tias koj tus tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv tau nws yog qhov tseeb "lub sijhawm ua haujlwm" ua haujlwm rau qhov txheej txheem no thiab muab cov "scanned" los sis "sib sib zog nqus" scan ntawm cov ntawv tshem tawm zoo li.

Teem ib lub OS thiab Daim Ntawv Teev Npe Tshiab

Cov kev khiav hauj lwm feem ntau yuav cia koj teem ib lub sij hawm los hloov cov txheej txheem hloov tshiab, xav qhov teeb meem no rau lub sij hawm thaum koj tsis siv koj lub computer, txwv tsis pub koj yuav tau chim thiab tig tawm yog tias nws yuav cuam tshuam koj thiab ces koj lub cev yuav tsis tau thaj chaw thiab kev ruaj ntseg tshiab uas koj xav tau yav tom ntej.

Thaub qab koj lub cev thiab teeb ib daim ntawv teev sij hawm thaub qab

Thaum koj tau txais txhua yam zoo tag nrho thiab txoj kev koj nyiam nws, koj yuav tsum tau ua kom tiav thaub qab ntawm koj lub cev. Koj lub operating system yuav muaj ib lub cuab yeej built-in los ua kom tiav no los sis koj yuav xaiv rau siv huab-raws li kev thaub qab cuab tam raws li lub lag luam backup software. Nyeem peb cov tshooj ntawm The Do's and Don'ts of Home backups rau qee cov tswv yim ntawm txoj kev no.

Tsis txhob & # 39; t Cia li & # 34; Teem nws thiab nco nws & # 34;

Tsuas yog vim koj tau muab koj cov kev hloov tshiab rau "ON" tsis txhais hais tias lawv yuav tsum ua haujlwm raws li lawv yuav tsum tau ua. Koj yuav tsum tau soj ntsuam xyuas seb qhov txheej txheem hloov tshiab puas ua haujlwm raws li tau npaj tseg thiab xyuas tias txhua tus tsav tsheb, thaj ua haujlwm, thiab cov xov xwm tshiab yuav tsum muaj. Tsis tas li ntawd, xyuas koj cov khoom txeem tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv kom paub tseeb tias lawv muaj cov tshiab tam sim no muaj thiab.