Saum 10 PC Game Controllers thiab Gamepads

PC game controllers thiab gamepads yeej ib txwm ua dog dig ntawm ib qho afterthought rau PC gaming; Txhawb kev sib tw ua si yog sib kis zoo tshaj plaws thiab feem ntau uas tsis yog thawj tus neeg shooters tsis txhawb lawv txhua. Nrog ntau cov kev ua si raug tsim rau tag nrho cov loj platforms, kev them nyiaj yug rau PC gamepads tau ua yuav luag universal nrog tag nrho cov tshiab ua si. Tshaj yav dhau los ob peb xyoos, ntau lub tswv yim tshiab tau ua muaj los ntawm ntau ntau cov tuam txhab. Daim ntawv teev cov kev sib tw PC controllers uas ua raws li txhua qhov kev yooj yim ntawm kev siv, kev nplij siab thiab ntau ntau cov nyees khawm nrog kev ua si.

01 ntawm 10

Xbox Ib Elite Maub los

Xbox Ib Elite Maub los. Image Courtsey ntawm Amazon

Kev Txuas Lus: Wired & Wireless
Programmable: Tau
Kev Tiv Thaiv: Tau

Nrog rau Xbox Ib Elite maub los, Microsoft tau tsim ib qho ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws hauv PC gamepads muaj, kev txhim kho raws li Xbox 360 xws li ntawm ntau txoj kev. Lub Xbox Ib Elite kev ua si xws li ob leeg USB wired thiab wireless muaj peev xwm thiab tau tshaj Xbox Ib consoles thiab Windows-based PCs. Cov neeg tseem ceeb qus cov vev xaib pub rau players rau customize nyees khawm thiab joysticks rau lawv nyiam. Lub pad thiab cov analog thumb joysticks yog sib pauv thiab tso cai rau cov players kom kho qhov siab thiab hnov ​​ntawm joysticks. Tus txheej txheem rau theem saum toj kawg nkaus cov nyees khawm thiab plaub qhov nyees khawm tau tsim muaj qhov tsim tawm thiab ua rau cov plaub hau ua kom khov rau qhov ceev nrawm ntawm kev tua hluav taws. Lub Xbox One Elite kuj nta lub nplaum ntawm lub pob zeb diamondged thiab muaj lub zoo ergonomic tsim uas ua rau nws nyiam siv lub sijhawm ntev.

02 ntawm 10

Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710

Logitech F710 Gamepad. © Logitech

Kev Txuas Txuas: Wireless (USB chaw nres nkoj uas yuav tsum muaj rau tus neeg tuaj nqa)

Programmable: Tau
Kev Tiv Thaiv: Tau

Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad yog Logitech lub lag luam ntawm PC uas muaj kev sib tw xws li kev tswj hwm ntawm lwm yam ntawm ntau lub PC ua si thiab console ports. Cov F710 tso cai rau gamers ua si sab nraud ports nrog lawv console haiv neeg style tswj thaum uas tseem cia cov khoos kas uas siv tau nrog PC ua si uas tej zaum yuav tau siv cov keyboard inputs.

Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad siv 2.4 GHz wireless USB receiver uas ceev koj cov gaming dawb los ntawm tej tangled cords. Lub gamepad nta lub tswv yim zoo li gamepad nrog 10 yam khoos phis tawj, 2 analog joysticks thiab 8-txoj kev directional ncoo. Txoj kev 8-directional ncoo kuj muaj xws li ib tus neeg siv rau txhua txoj kev ua kom nws zoo tshaj thiab muaj tseeb dua D-pads uas siv ib qho pivot point los tswj cov yim lus. Thaum kawg qhov F710 gamepad muab gamers nrog kev tawm tswv yim los qhia koj qhov gaming tseeb dua thiab txav ntawm kev ua si uas txhawb kev vibration tawm tswv yim. Lub F710 Gamepad kuj tseem khub nrog Chav Chav Laus pub rau koj mus saib dej ua ke, ua si thiab ntau dua. Ntau »

03 ntawm 10

Xbox 360 Controller rau lub qhov rais

Xbox 360 Controller rau lub qhov rais. © Microsoft

Xbox 360 Controller rau lub qhov rais

Kev Txuas Lus: Wired lossis Wireless
Programmable: Tsis yog
Kev Tiv Thaiv: Tau

Xbox 360 Controller rau lub qhov rais yog PC tshwj xeeb version ntawm Xbox 360 gamepad txawm tias tsis muaj qhov txawv ntawm Xbox 360 version thiab no PC version uas tsis yog lub npe sau rau ntawm lub ntim. Nws tuaj nyob rau hauv ob qho tib si wired thiab wireless xaiv, ob qho tib si uas tau tshaj rau kev siv PC lossis Xbox 360. Lub wireless version ntawm gamepad muaj xws li 2.4 GHz wireless USB receiver, nrog 30ft range, uas tau yuav nyias cais thiab tseem tau tshaj nrog cov uas twb muaj Xbox 360 controllers, txawm li ntawd los, nws yuav tsum tau rov sync dua yog tias koj hloov ntawm ob.

Lub ergonomic tsim ntawm Xbox 360 Controller muab lub siab xis txawm tias twb tom qab teev ua si. Gamepad maub los nrog 10 nyees khawm - rau saum lub gamepad thiab plaub nyees khawm uas tau ceev nrooj nrog koj tus ntiv tes, 2 qhov kev ua si zoo nkauj thiab kev ua tus 8-txoj kev gamepad. Ntau »

04 ntawm 10

Razer Sabertooth

Razer Sabertooth PC Game Controller. © Razer

Kev Txuas Lus: Wired

Programmable: Tau
Kev Tiv Thaiv: Tau
Razer Sabertooth Elite Gaming Maub los yog ib lub PC thiab Xbox 360 gamepad ntim nrog ib tuj ntawm nta. Zoo li ntau lwm gamepads, tus Razer Sabertooth yog qhov yooj yim customizable uas yog gamers rau hauv qhov kev pab cuam nyob ntawm lawv cov kev ua si thiab cov ntsiab lus. Nws tseem muaj xws li onboard nco rau txuag profiles li yog hais tias koj coj nws ntawm txoj kev koj yuav tsis tas yuav tsis muaj koj qhov kev cai teeb. Lub Razor Sabertooth kuj tseem muaj rau 6 lub xub pwg / txhais khawm thiab ob lub tshuab hlwb hlau uas siv tau rau hauv qab ntawm gamepad. Qhov no yog ntxiv rau qhov 4 nyees khawm thiab ob lub khawm joystick rau saum lub gamepad. Lub gamepad kuj muaj cov kev cai sib luag dual simog thiab 8-directional ncoo. Thaum kawg, lub Razor Sabertooth suav nrog lub vijtsam built-in OLED rau qhov kev sib txuas lus thiab kev ywj siab yooj yim uas tso cai rau cov players kom hloov rhiab heev li txuag thiab thauj khoom ntxiv. Ntau »

05 ntawm 10

Mad Catr CT txawb Gamepad

Mad Catr CT txawb Gamepad. © MadCatz

Kev Txuas Lus: Wireless

Programmable: Tau
Kev Vibration: Tsis yog
Txawb Compatible: Tau

The Cat Catz CTRLR txawb Gamepad yog ib qho tag nrho hauv ib gamepad uas yog tsis tau tshaj ib tus qauv PC, tiam sis nws tseem tau tshaj Amazon Hluav Taws TV thiab lwm yam gaming gaming ntaus ntawv. Nws muaj ob hom Bluetooth uas kom nws yuav nyob sib txuas nrog cov kab mob Bluetooth uas twb muaj lawm thiab Bluetooth 4.0. Nws nta peb hom gaming sib txawv nrog tus nas hom uas tso cai rau qhov ntus ntawm cov nas navigation rau qhov kev txiav txim nyees khawm thiab analog joystick. Qhov no ua haujlwm zoo nrog cov kev tshaj tawm cov khawm uas tso cai rau kev tswj chaw taws teeb rau cov kev pab cuam xws li Netflix, YouTube thiab ntau dua. Nws kuj muaj xws li ib qho chaw ncig tebchaws uas muaj kev txuas xov tooj lossis lwm yam khoom siv ntsej muag rau gamepad.

Hauv regards rau cov specifications rau gaming, tus maub los muaj ib tus qauv console gamepad layout nrog 10 cov khoos phib tawj, ob qho analog joysticks thiab directional ncoo. Tus maub los yog powered los ntawm peb lub AAA roj teeb uas yog siv txog 40 xuab moos siv tas mus li. Ntau »

06 ntawm 10

Thrustmaster GPX LightBack

Thrustmaster GPX LightBack PC Game Controller. © Thrustmaster

Kev Txuas Lus: Wired

Programmable: Tsis yog
Kev Tiv Thaiv: Tau

Tus Thrustmaster GPX LightBack gamepad maub los yog tshaj ob lub qhov rais PC thiab Xbox 360 console ua si thiab tuaj yeem ua xim dub thawj xim los yog xim liab thiab dawb Ferrari F1 tshwj xeeb tsab kos npe los ntawm Fernando Alonso. Nws suav cov mini-joysticks mini-joysticks uas nta cov roj hmab tsis rub tawm, yim-yim ua hluav taws xob teeb, teeb lub ncoo, ob lub nyees khawm thiab txheem Xbox 360 layout.

Tus Thrustmaster GPX LightBack tseem nta ob lub tswv yim kev sib tw ua tau rau hauv txhua tus kov thiab cov cim tshwj xeeb muaj nyob rau ntawm lwm lub PC kev ua si. Cov no muaj xws li cov xov tooj cua built-in connector kom pab tau cov hlua ntawm tangled los ntawm lub PC thiab lub teeb tawm tswv yim illuminates lub teeb pom kev zoo rau cov mini-sticks yuav tsum nyob rau hauv sync nrog nyob rau hauv cov txheej xwm kev ua si.

07 ntawm 10

Mad Catz Pro Circuit Court MLG Controller

Mad Catz Pro Circuit Court MLG Controller. © Mad Catz

Kev Txuas Lus: Wired

Programmable: Tsis yog
Kev Tiv Thaiv: Tau

Kev Tshaj Tawm Kev Tshaj Tawm Ntawm Pawg Qib Cat Cat Pro MLG yog ib qho gamepad uas tau txais ntawv pov thawj los ntawm Xbox 360, tab sis muaj ntau cov Xbox 360 gamepads, nws zoo tshaj lub tshuab PC hauv lub thawv. The Cat Cat Pro Circuit Court Gamepad muaj ntau qhov cim nrug nrog swappable Cheebtsam uas txhais tau hais tias players tau teeb thiab cuam tshuam qhov joysticks thiab kev taw qhia ncoo rau lawv qhov kev xav zoo dua qub nws tseem nta ntxiv cov khoom siv ntxiv uas yog muag nyias. Ntxiv nrog rau cov khoom ua swappable, nws kuj tuaj nrog tshem tawm sab saum toj thiab sab ntsej muag uas yog gamers rau ntawm daim tawv nqaij lawv tswj rau lawv caj ces lossis tus kheej nyiam. Qhov kawg tshwj xeeb feature uas los nrog rau Cat Cat Pro Pro Circuit Court gamepad yog ib khub ntawm 35g tes taw hnyav li uas tau muab ntxiv los muab cov maub los ua ntxiv lossis tshem tawm mus txog 70 grams ntawm qhov nyhav.

Cheeb Tsam Cat Cat Pro Circuit MLG Controller yog ib tug kab wired USB gamepad nrog 3-meter braided qaum uas screws rau saum tus maub los ua nws rugged heev thiab yooj yim rau disconnect thaum khaws cia los yog noj ntawm txoj kev. Ntau »

08 ntawm 10

Cyborg V.3 / Saitek PP32 PS2700

Cyborg V.3 / Saitek PP32 PS2700. © Cyborg

Kev Txuas Lus: Wired

Programmable: Tau
Kev Tiv Thaiv: Tau

Cov sib tw Cybo V.3 gamepad yog ib hom lag luam rov qab ntawm Saitek PS2700. Ob versions tau siab tshaj qhov rais PCs thiab cov PlayStation 2 thiab PlayStation 3 console systems. Nws suav tag nrho cov qauv nyees khawm, 2 ceev-hluav taws ua rau 8-txoj kev cob qhia ncoo, 2 analog joysticks thiab kev tawm tswv yim rau kev ua si uas txhawb nws. PC gamers muaj qhov txiaj ntsim tau ntxiv ntawm kev pab cuam los ntawm cov kev pab cuam los ntawm cov keyboard los yog feem ntau ntawm cov lus qhia ua tus maub los ua cov PC ua si tshaj cov gamepad. Lub Cyborg V.3 kuj muaj xws li kev ua si nrig ntawm qhov kev ua si uas yog tso cai rau koj kom muaj kev sib koom tes nrog lwm tus xws li hauv PlayStation maub los sis hauv Xbox style layout uas muaj qhov kev ua si nrog txoj kev zoo. Ntau »

09 ntawm 10

Classic NES Maub los

8Bitdo Bluetooth Wireless Classic NES Maub los. © 8Bitdo

Kev Txuas Lus: Wired / Wireless

Programmable: Tau
Kev Vibration: Tsis yog

The 8Bitdo Bluetooth Wireless Classic NES Maub los yog ib qho classic Nintendo Lom ze System style qus rau lub PC, Android thiab iOS no. Nws yog ib qho wireless controller rau mobile pab kiag li lawm thiab lub USB corded ntaus ntawv rau lub PC. Nws tseem nta programmes daws, tag nrho ntawm 6 nyees khawm xws li ob lub cim nyees khawm rau koj cov ntiv tes, thiab cov classic retro saib thiab hnov ​​ntau yam nrog rau kev ua si. Ntau »

10 ntawm 10

Hlau Series Dawb

Hlau Series Dawb. © Hlau Series

Kev Txuas Lus: Wireless

Programmable: Tau
Kev Vibration: Tsis yog

Lub Hlau Series Dawb gamepad uas yog tshaj Android mobile pab kiag li zoo li lub PC PC thiab Mac computers. Nws yog ib qho wireless controller nrog Bluetooth Connectivity thiab nta programable nyees khawm muab rau koj ua tiav customization. Nws muaj qhov classic / retro saib rau nws tab sis nta tag nrho ntawm cov kev tswj ntawm gamepad niaj hnub xws li kev ua lej dual simog, ib txoj hlua raws, ob lub nyees khawm thiab lub khawm classic plaub khawm. Roj roj teeb uas txhawb zog tshaj li kaum teev ntawm cov kev txwv gameplay ua ntej yuav tsum tau rov qab ua dua.