Mortal Kombat Cheats hauv Xbox 360

Cov nram qab no cheat leb yog muaj rau Mortal Kombat (2011) sib ntaus sib tua hauv kev ua si hauv Xbox 360 video game console. Codes rau Mortal Kombat raug ntaus thaum nyob rau qhov sib piv ntawm tus ID nkag mus thaum ntau tshaj ib tug neeg txuas nrog. Sau ib qho ntawm cov zauv hauv qab ntawm lub cim xaiv ua ntej kev sib ntaus pib. Feem ntau, qhov kev ua si yuav tsum tau neeg uas ua ntawv kom nkag mus rau peb tus lej thiab cov neeg uas ua ntawv ob leeg nkag mus rau peb tus lej code. Txhua yam kev zam tau muab teev tseg hauv qab no.

Cheat Codes

FYI: P1 = Neeg uas ua ntawv 1, P2 = Neeg uas ua ntawv 2.

Armless Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 9-1-1 P2: 9-1-1

Thaiv kev xiam oob khab
Cheat code: P1: 0-2-0 P2: 0-2-0

Tej Breakers Xiam Oob Qhab
Cheat code: P1: 0-9-0 P2: 0-9-0

Tsaus Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 0-2-2 P2: 0-2-2

Ob chav tsoo
Cheat code: P1: 3-9-1 P2: 1-9-3

Npau suav Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 2-2-2 P2: 5-5-5

Txhim khu tsiv tsoo
Cheat code: P1: 0-5-1 P2: 1-5-0

Tawg Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 2-2-7 P2: 2-2-7

Foreground Objects Disabled
Cheat code: P1: 0-0-1 P2: 0-0-1

Headless Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 8-0-8 P2: 8-0-8

Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv
Cheat code: P1: 0-1-2 P2: 0-1-2

Hyper Fighting
Cheat code: P1: 0-9-1 P2: 0-9-1

Invisible Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 7-7-0 P2: 7-7-0

Dhia xiam oob qhab
Cheat code: P1: 8-3-1 P2: 8-3-1

Kombos xiam oob khab
Cheat code: P1: 9-3-1 P2: 9-3-1

Tsis muaj ntshav
Cheat code: P1: 9-0-0 P2: 9-0-0

Player 1 Half Health
Cheat code: P1: 2-2-0 P2: 0-0-0

Player 1 Quarter Health
Cheat code: P1: 1-1-0 P2: 0-0-0

Player 2 Ib nrab ntawm Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv.
Cheat code: P1: 0-0-0 P2: 1-1-0

Player 2 Quarter Health
Cheat code: P1: 0-0-0 P2: 1-1-0

Lub hwj chim tuav tsis taus
Cheat code: P1: 4-0-4 P2: 4-0-4

Psycho Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 7-0-7 P2: 7-0-7

Quick Uppercut Rov Qab
Cheat code: P1: 3-0-3 P2: 3-0-3

Zaj nkauj Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 2-3-4 P2: 2-3-4

Sans Fais fab
Cheat code: P1: 0-4-4 P2: 4-4-0

Ntsiag to Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 3-0-0 P2: 3-0-0

Tshwj Xeeb Kev Xiam Hlwb
Cheat code: P1: 7-3-1 P2: 7-3-1

Super rov qab
Cheat code: P1: 1-2-3 P2: 1-2-3

Txiav Kev Xiam Hlwb
Cheat code: P1: 1-0-0 P2: 1-0-0

Txhawb kom Txhawb
Cheat code: P1: 0-1-0 P2: 0-1-0

Kev sib tw hom
Cheat code: P1: 1-1-1 P2: 1-1-1

Unlimited Super Meter
Cheat code: P1: 4-6-6 P2: 4-6-6

Vampire Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 4-2-4 P2: 4-2-4

X-Rays Tsis Taus
Cheat code: P1: 2-4-2 P2: 2-4-2

Zombie Kombat
Cheat code: P1: 6-6-6 P2: 6-6-6

Mortal Kombat Achievements rau Xbox 360

Cov hauv qab no tau ua rau Mortal Kombat (2011) ntawm Xbox 360 video game console. Kom qhib qhov kev ua tiav thiab lwm cov ntsiab lus ntawm gamerscore , ua kom tiav cov hauj lwm uas tau hais los ntawm cov npe hauv qab no.

Ib qho Kev Rau Siab (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Tiav nyeem hom

Arcade tus yeej (40 GS ntsiab lus)
Tiav Arcade Ladder nrog Txhua Tus Neeg Tua Hluav Taws

Rov Qab Hauv Sij Hawm ... (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Tiav zaj dabneeg hom 100%

Zoo Tshaj ... Xaiv ... Puas! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Account Mileena tus thib 3 Lwm Costume

Thaiv no! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua kom muaj 10-ntaus combo nrog cov fighter

Brotherhood of Shadow (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Nrhiav thiab sib ntaus Ntawm Kombatant 4 hauv Arcade Ladder

Txias Fusion (20 G ntsiab lus)
Account account Fighter "Cyber ​​Sub-Zero"

Kev ua tiav (10 GS ntsiab lus).
Tau 1 ntawm txhua hom "-txoj"

Cyber ​​Challenger (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua kom tiav 100 Ua Hauv Khw Tshaj Tawm

Dim hau! (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Sau tag nrho txhua qhov Kev Ntsuas Mini-qhov kev ua si nyuab nyuab

Tsis txhob dhia! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Yeej A Pom Online Online Match tsis dhia

eX-cellular! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua kom tiav txhua txhua tus sib tw ua si ntawm X-hluav taws xob

Ua kom tuag! (5 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua Teeb Meem!

Tas nws? (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua yam fighter qhov xov tag tawm

Xaus rau koj pib! (60 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua Ib Tuag Phem nrog tag nrho cov playable fighters

Halfway Muaj! (5 GS ntsiab lus)
Tiav zaj dab neeg hom 50%

Hide thiab Seek (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Tshawb nrhiav thiab sib ntaus Ntawm Kombatant 2 hauv Arcade Ladder

Humiliation (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Tau Txais Tsis Muaj Kev Nyuaj Siab hauv Online Match

Kuv "Tau" Yuav tsum muaj qhov Strongest (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Sau tag nrho txhua qhov Koj Kev Ntsuas Mini-qhov kev sib tw

Kuv tsis tseem tuag! (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Comeback nrog nyob rau hauv 10% kev kho mob nyob rau hauv ib qho kev sib tw hauv online

Cov Ntaus Phaj (20 G ntsiab lus)
Tiav Arcade Ladder rau max nyuaj tsis siv ib qho ntxiv mus

Daim ntawv tso cai tua tsiaj (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Tus Kws Tiv Thaiv Tua Tag

Luck Be A Lady (10 G ntsiab lus).
Tau tag nrho MK Dragons nyob rau hauv kev kuaj koj cov hmoov

Kuv Kung Fu yog muaj zog (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Tsav kev paub ntawm 1 Fighter

Kuv Kung Fu yog Stronger (60 GS ntsiab lus)
Kawm Kom Zoo Ntawm Tag Nrho Fighters

Zoo! (60 GS ntsiab lus)
Yeej Tau 10 Tig Ua Ntaus Hauv Online Sib tw ua ke

Pit Master (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Nrhiav thiab sib ntaus Ntawm Kombatant 3 hauv Arcade Ladder

Quan-Tease (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Account qhib Fighter "Quan Chi"

Cov Cai Tswj Kav Liam! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Yeej Arcade Tag Ntaiv nrog neeg hlau Sektor thiab Cyrax

Tag, Koj Nyob Nws! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua thiab tsaws au Tag Combo

Lub Competitor (30 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua kom tiav 200 Versus ntais ntawv (online los yog offline)

Lub Grappler (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua txhua fighter lub hauv ntej thiab thim rov qab

Krypt Keeper (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Account 100% ntawm lub Krypt

Yeej Muaj Ib Tsa! (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Yeej 10 Tus Vaj Ntxhais Sib Tw Sib Tw

Muaj Yuav Ntshav! (40 GS ntsiab lus)
Txwv 10000 pints ntawm cov ntshav

Cov no tsis yog kuv qhov tsom! (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Sau tag nrho txhua qhov Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Koj Sight mini-game nyaav heev

Throws yog Rau Champs (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua tau 8 cuam rau hauv Online ntawm Online Match Match

Tug txiv leej tub! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Yeej Muaj Qhov Sib Tw Hauv Online

Tower Apprentice (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua kom tiav 25 Ntau txoj haujlwm ntau

Ntauwd tswv (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Sau tag nrho cov hauj lwm ntau ntau

Vaub kib! (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Yeej ob qho tib si rounds nrog cov timer khiav tawm hauv Online Online Match Match

Qhov kawg Humiliation (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Ua txhua txhua tus neeg tua hluav taws txoj kev khiav tawm

Qhov kawg hwm! (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Tau 2500 Hwm Cov Ntsiab Lus ntawm Tus Vaj Ntxhais Sib Tw

Undertaker (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Account 50% ntawm lub Krypt

Wavenet ... (80 GS ntsiab lus)
Yeej 100 tag nrho hauv Internet Matches

No Button ua dab tsi? (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Tiav Arcade Ntaiv tsis thaiv (pub ntxiv mus)

Qhov Arcade qhov twg? (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Tiav Arcade Ntaus Nrog Txhua Fighter

Koj Tau Pom Kuv! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Nrhiav thiab sib ntaus Ntawm Kombatant 1 hauv Arcade Ladder

Koj Yuav Kawm Paub Lawm! (10 GS ntsiab lus)
Khwv tau 1000 Ntsig Cov Ntsiab Lus ntawm Tus Vaj Ntxwv ntawm Cov Hli

Koj twb tau txais Style! (20 GS ntsiab lus)
Account tag nrho Alternate Costumes

Ntau Cheats thiab Tswv yim

Nco ntsoov mus saib peb cov cim cheat code kom paub cov tswv yim thiab yuam kev lis dej num rau tag nrho koj cov kev ua si yees duab.