Khawb Deeper: Emeralds

Minecraft's rarest ore yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev. Cia peb khawb!

Emeralds (thaum lawv tsis yog ib qho tseem ceeb) yog ib yam khoom kim heev rau Minecraft ciaj sia taus. Ua ntau yam yooj yim ua kom tiav thiab ntau dua. Nyob rau hauv no tsab xov xwm kuv yuav tsum qhia koj txog Minecraft tus tsis muaj zog tshaj plaws ore, lub Emerald. Cia peb pib khawb!

Qhov chaw thiab Txais

Nyob rau hauv lub tom ntej 1.9 hloov tshiab, Emerald ore hauv Minecraft tuaj yeem nrhiav tau kaum yim feem pua ​​ntawm Jungle tuam tsev chests thiab kaum ib feem pua ​​ntawm Desert Temple chests nyob sib ze ntawm ib qhov mus rau peb Emeralds. Emeralds kuj tuaj yeem muaj nyob rau hauv yim feem pua ​​ntawm Igloo chests nyob sib tsub ntawm ib qho. Hauv Nroog City chests, Emeralds tuaj yeem tshawb hauv 9 feem pua ​​ntawm chests nrog ib thaj tsam ntawm ob rau rau Emeralds hauv ib pawg.

Emerald ore muaj nyob hauv av nyob qhov twg ntawm theem plaub mus rau peb caug-ob. Yog vim li cas Emerald ore li frustratingly heev vim hais tias Emeralds yuav tsuas spawn tsawg li xoom rau ob zaug hauv ib thooj. Txawm li cas los xij, qhov tseeb tshaj qhov tseeb txog qhov txiaj ntsim peb nyiam tshaj yog tias nws tsuas yog nrhiav tau raws li ib tus neeg thaiv thiab tsis nyob rau hauv cov leeg, zoo li lwm cov leeg.

Thaum cov ntxhuav nyob hauv ib lub qhov tsua, ib tug neeg ua si yuav tsum siv cov Iron Pickaxe (los yog zoo dua) kom tau nws. Thaum mined, lub ore yuav poob ib Emerald thiab yuav tso tawm qhov twg los ntawm peb mus rau xya kev. Yog tias Emerald ore yog mined nrog cov Iron Pickaxe (los yog zoo dua) nrog Enchantment of Fortune, qhov muaj feem tau txais ib qho ntxiv Emerald rau ib Emerald ore yuav nce raws li theem ntawm Enchantment ua. Ua ib qho piv txwv ntawm qhov no, yog tias muaj Emerald ore nrog lub pickaxe li niaj zaus, koj tsuas muaj feem ua kom tau ib qho Emerald. Yog tias Emerald ore yog mined nrog Fortune kuv enchanted pickaxe, tab sis, muaj ib lub caij nyoog ntawm ob Emeralds tau. Yog hais tias tus pickaxe siv yog Fortune II, nws muaj caij nyoog ntawm peb Emeralds tau, thiab hais txog thiab lwm yam.


Raws li tau hais hauv ib tsab xov xwm yav dhau los, cov tub ntxhais muaj peev xwm pauv tau nrog cov neeg nyob rau hauv Minecraft siv Emeralds raws li ib txoj kev muaj txiaj. Cov neeg tuaj yeem muab tus Villager rau Emerald xa tuaj rau ib qho ntawm ntau yam khoom uas tus Villager yog rau kev lag luam (ib qho ntawm qhov twg los ntawm cov nplej kom pob zeb Diamond Armor). Thaum uas ib tug neeg ua ntawv tuaj yeem muab Emeralds txawm, lawv kuj tau txais Emeralds los ntawm kev lag luam thiab. Nyob ntawm seb tus neeg xav tau twg yog tus xav tau, tus neeg ua si yuav muab tau tus Emerald yog tias nws muaj peev xwm muab tau qhov Villager xav tau. Yog tias ib tus neeg tuaj yeem mines los yog kev yuav khoom 30 Emeralds los ntawm ib tug Villager, lawv yuav tau txais The Haggler achievement.

Crafting thiab Pyramids

Thaum lub sijhawm tsuas yog Emeralds ua tau cov khoom siv tes taw yog ib qho Block of Emerald, lub Pov Thaiv Kev Pov Tseg tuaj yeem yog ib feem ntawm cov qauv siv tau hu ua Pyramid. Ib tug Pyramid yog siv los ua lub hwj chim Beacon, uas ua rau cov tub ntxhais kawm muaj ntau yam hauv siab (xws li Kev Ceev, Kev Tiv Thaiv, Kev Zog, Hloov Boost, Kev Sau thiab Tsav) thiab lub teeb ntawm lub teeb uas ci ntsa nyob qhov twg lub Beacon raug muab tso rau, uas yog pom ntawm deb. Qhov no nqaj ntawm kev kaj pub rau cov players kom yooj yim nrhiav qhov chaw lawv muab lub Beacon thaum thaum adventuring.

Hauv qhov xaus

Emeralds pab cov players hauv ntau txoj hau kev. Tej zaum lawv yuav muaj tsawg tsawg ore uas tsis muaj coob tus neeg zoo li muaj kev nrhiav kom tau, tab sis lawv nyob zoo thaum nrhiav tau thiab tau txais. Trading nrog Villagers, tsim Pyramids rau beacons thiab ntau ntau yuav tsis tau yog tias Emeralds tsis nyob ze. No ore tau ntxiv ntau ntau yam tshiab rau Minecraft ntawd tau txais lwm yam ntaub ntawv, nkag mus boosts thiab hopefully ntau ntxiv nyob rau hauv lub neej yav tom ntej.